Ending 2024

A roundup of the last 5 months!

It has been a while since our last blog and some news with the Intrepid team. Holidays and busy projects have kept everyone quiet! See below for a roundup of the past 5 months before a fantastic 2025 planned!

Quote of the Day!

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."


Share the Knowledge

The Intrepid Team have provided great knowledge sessions in 2024 and very looking forward to the presentations in 2025. Topics have ranged from; mental Health, Fitness, .NET Core, American Football, Intrepid Values, a Surprise Talk, GraphQL vs RESR etc. and so much more!

Proud of Krzysztof!

It is always great to hear what the team are upto outside the office, for our very own Krzysztof it was achieving Gold at the Polish BJJ Cup!

World Mental Health Day

Looking after Mental Health is very important to us all at Intrepid with Joni Duncan our Business Manager completing her refresher course as a Mental Health First Aider over the Summer.

The theme of this World Mental Health Day is workplace mental health.

Visit the mental Health foundation website for advice and looking after yourself in the work place.....to find out more! https://bit.ly/3r8E9x8

Nov 2024

Welcome Dariusz

End of November we welcomed Dariusz to the team and we hope you have settled in! Unfortunately due to the late recruitment we were unable to meet Dariusz in person for the Christmas party - we look forward to meeting you in 2025!

Dec 2024

Digital Timeout day!

The idea behind 'techtimeout tuesday' is simple. It’s about recognising that we may have developed unhealthy screentime practices and taking the first step in breaking that habit.

MHFA England is proud to partner with 'techtimeout' to help organisations focus on digital wellbeing to create healthier, happier and more productive work environments.

So, some of us took some time away from the screen, going for a walk, run while the rest had a good chat together which even involved flower arranging!

Merry Christmas!


What a year 2024 has been – we’ve navigated challenges, celebrated wins, and powered through together with plenty of caffeine and determination.

Here’s to an even brighter 2025, share plenty of laughs, and continue building on all we’ve accomplished.

Wishing you all our friends a fantastic Christmas—eat, drink, and enjoy every moment.