Starting 2024

Intrepid kicks off 2024 with some exciting news and initiatives


RED January Challenge

Would you like to join a challenge and get moving in January - RED January is BACK!  All we ask is you get moving every day - set your own challenge and start the year strong and healthy, physically and mentally. 

If you would like to join the team - follow the below link:

Red January - Team Intrepid

“Research consistently shows that small movement ‘snacks’ are associated with a reduced risk of many physical conditions and mental ill health, and RED’s focus on setting yourself a daily movement challenge that works for your lifestyle, has all the key evidence based ingredients to make a real difference.”

- Dr Brendon Stubbs, world-leading academic in movement and mental health.

Country to Capital Ultra Marathon

Alex, Crispin and Rob did amazing on their Ultra in not great conditions after much wet and warmer weather. They completed the White Horse last September on the hottest day of the year and then this event was possibly the coldest day of the year so far!!

This event was part of Alex and Rob training for the London Marathon and they managed to raise over £600…… onwards to the final target.

To donate ➡️ Begone Dull Care Foundation Team for RSBC

Walk and Talk Session

As part of the REDJanuary campaign and January being a miserable month - we did two things good for mental health - walk and talk!

The session was part of our Knowledge Sharing session and despite the fact it was freezing we all embraced it and gave it a go! We had some good chats about the ultra and what plans the team may have for 2024.

Next session will be held in the Summer - will be great to see the changes in the colours in the photos!

Visit Begone Dull Care | Blog for more details

New look website GOES LIVE!

After many months, it was great to get the new look website live - thanks to Chris Hall and Crispin Boylan with Millie Stevinson managing it all and giving it the ‘push’ it needed…

Keep an eye on any updates and changes over the coming weeks….months!

Fitness 2 - Knowledge Sharing

Thank you Jude Cornish for organising the next fitness session and well done to those who joined in……… will you all be ready for another one with Millie Stevinson …. ?

…….finished off with a 5km run over the bridges and round - a first for Jude Cornish .

A great way to complete RedJanuary for the day!

1st team social for 2024

It was great to have some members of the team back in the office for the new year and enjoy a social and some team building!

Well done to the team for completing the Escape Rooms challenge in 38 mins….. could’ve / would’ve been sooner if Joni Duncan hadn’t closed the door to a room!

The team worked really well together and we look forward to the next one virtually or in person!