What Private Equity Firms Value Most in a Technology Audit

Private equity firms reveal aspects of the technology criteria they look for when evaluating an investment.

Private equity firms play a pivotal role in shaping businesses for growth and success. As technology continues to drive innovation and competitiveness, the importance of technology audits in due diligence cannot be overstated. These audits provide private equity firms with valuable insights into a company's technological health and potential risks.

In this article, we'll explore what private equity firms value most in a technology audit and how it influences their investment decisions.

Comprehensive Assessment

Private equity firms seek technology audits that provide a thorough, and comprehensive assessment of the target company's technology landscape. They want a clear picture of the organization's current technology infrastructure, software systems, data management, and cybersecurity practices.

Alignment with Business Goals

A technology audit should not exist in isolation; it must align with the target company's business objectives. Private equity firms want to see how the technology strategy supports and enhances the company's growth prospects, competitiveness, and innovation potential.

Identification and Prioritisation of Risks

One of the primary goals of a technology audit is to identify potential risks. Private equity firms value audits that highlight vulnerabilities in the technology infrastructure, cybersecurity gaps, and compliance issues. These insights enable them to gauge the potential impact of these risks on their investment.

Scalability and Future-Readiness

Private equity firms want to know if the technology systems are capable of scaling with the company's growth. They value audits that assess the organization's ability to adapt to future technological advancements and market changes.

Cybersecurity Assessment

Given the rising threat of cyberattacks, private equity firms attach great importance to cybersecurity assessments. They want to know if the target company has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive data and customer information.

Opportunities for Improvement

A valuable technology audit doesn't just highlight weaknesses; it also identifies opportunities for improvement. Private equity firms appreciate audits that provide actionable recommendations for enhancing technology infrastructure, streamlining processes, and achieving operational excellence.

Clear Communication

Clear and concise communication is crucial. Private equity firms want audit reports that translate technical jargon into business implications. The audit should provide a non-technical summary of findings that decision-makers can easily understand.


Technology audits serve as a critical tool for making informed decisions for Private Equity Investors. Private equity firms seek audits that go beyond surface-level assessments, delving deep into the target company's technology landscape. By providing insights into risks, alignment with business goals, and opportunities for improvement, a well-executed technology audit becomes an invaluable asset that guides investment strategies and helps private equity firms unlock growth and value in their portfolio companies.

Our Intrepid Technology Auditing offering addresses all of the main concerns PE Investors have with technical audits. We’ve worked closely with the private equity industry to refine our auditing process to be as effective as possible in helping with investment decisions.

If you’d like to hear more about Intrepid Technology Auditing and Intrepid Advisory Services then please reach out to sales@beintrepid.co.uk to set up a free consultation and Q&A session about what types of technology evaluations you’d like to conduct.