When Consulting is the Right Choice

Consultants and Contractors provide similar benefits but they are not the same.

Local contractors are often the go-to option for companies looking to expand their software development capabilities. However, working with local contractors also comes at a cost.

Contractors are like hired mercenaries, skilled but not directly affiliated with your company.

Trust in their professionalism is crucial, as they operate independently.

On the other hand, our team at Intrepid is a close-knit group of experts who work together seamlessly. We take on the risks and costs associated with individual contractors, offering you a reliable and coordinated solution.

Below is the comparison in costs between using Local Contractors versus Intrepid, a consultancy:

Recruitment Time - The Search Time to Find A Contractor

  • Freelance Contractors - 1 to 12 weeks

  • Using Intrepid - 1 to 8 weeks

In most cases, we have staff on hand to work on your project which can make this timeline even shorter!

Failed Delivery - Risk of Project Failure

  • Freelance Contractors - Higher

  • Using Consultants - Lower

Our leadership at Intrepid supports team members on all projects to ensure success. We provide oversight throughout the whole delivery process.

Support Time - Team Member External Support

  • Freelance Contractors - None

  • Using Intrepid - Yes

Team members can access our experts for training, advice, and opinions (including your employees).

Oversight Time - Assured Dedicated Hours

  • Freelance Contractors - Uncertain

  • Using Intrepid - 40 hrs/week

At Intrepid, we establish set-working hours, guaranteeing that our team resources work the same schedule as you.

Delivery Quality Risk - Quality Guarantee

  • Freelance Contractors - Varies

  • Using Intrepid - Yes

Intrepid guarantees all of our work is high quality, meeting our internal quality standards.


Working with local contractors brings a lot of great benefits but comes at the price of delivery risk and uncertain loyalties of their professionalism. Going through a consultancy like Intrepid gives you the same benefits you would get from individual local contractors but with the added security of standardised oversight and guaranteed unified coordination in delivery that’s focused on you achieving your business outcomes.

If you’d like to hear more about our services and how we can help you with your technology initiatives, please reach out to sales@beintrepid.co.uk